Patient Participation Group

We are extremely lucky to have such an active PPG group who offer a huge amount of support to the Surgery. Our PPG raise funds and receive donations and bequests for the provision and maintenance of medical and/or ancillary equipment not normally available from statutory or Practice funds, in consultation with the Practice Manager.  Being a charity we are able to claim Gift Aid on donations received for which we are very grateful.

We provide the patient perspective in the planning and commissioning of practice-based services.  We also liaise with other patient support groups locally and nationally in the interests of patient engagement. The group is attached to the National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP) where we follow their advice, guidelines and instructions especially in regard to the regulations involving the Care Quality Commission (CQC).  We also promote self-care for patients and provide opportunities such as a singing group, a walking group and many educational events during the year.



Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) was set up in 1996 to improve and extend the facilities to our patients in partnership with the surgery. Patients were invited by the GPs to form a committee to start the group and subsequently a constitution was agreed.


Who We Are

Members of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) are volunteers who support and influence healthcare at St Lawrence Surgery by offering the patient’s perspective’ and acting as a ‘Critical Friend’.


PPG Management

The PPG is managed by a Committee, which supports the officers, namely the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Practice Manager regularly attends Committee meetings together with one of the GPs. The PPG prides itself on working collaboratively with the surgery team. The PPG is affiliated to the National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP) and is governed by the rules of that registered charity.


When We Meet?

The PPG executive board meets six monthly to provide input and feedback into the development of services at the surgery and to discuss fund raising activities. Please see organisation chart for our PPG and the groups that support the executive board below. We have a patient improvement group that meets in-between to discuss with the leadership team at the practice, improvements that need to be made. Examples are patient surveys and a new telephone system.


PPG Organisation

Patient Executive Board (Six monthly)

  • Chair: Lindsay B
  • Treasurer: Judith S
  • Secretary: Hilary S
  • Patient improvement Group Leader: Judith S
  • Children and Schools Leader: Lindsay B
  • Walk Leader: Eric B
  • Singing Leader: Sue P
  • Phil S (in charge of bookstall)
  • Sylvia F

Supported By:

  • Walking Group (weekly): Eric B
  • Singing Group (weekly): Sue P
  • Patient Improvement Group (quarterly): Judith S
  • Children and Schools Group (six monthly): Lindsay B

What We Do

Our purpose is:

  • To help improve the experience of patients attending the surgery.
  • To share ideas to help patients to take more responsibility for their own health and to help improve the services offered by the practice.
  • To support the surgery to organise information sessions on medical and health related topics of interest to patients.
  • To develop self-help projects to meet the needs of patients and make best use of GP time
  • To provide a forum to ensure patients are kept informed about the wider changes within the NHS and Social Care and the impact these will have locally.
  • To act as a representative group that can be called upon to influence the local provision of health and social care.
  • To improve communication through the practice website as well as throughnoticeboards, emails, texts and social media.
  • To raise funds to enable the practice to purchase equipment for patients that are not normally funded by the NHS and to support and improve the work of the surgery.
  • To liaise with other PPG groups and interested parties to increase awareness of developments and how these will impact and improve local services

What the PPG Doesn’t Do

We do not deal with personal medical issues or complaints, as there are already well established procedures that deal with these.


Equipment Purchased

We have also purchased a whole range of equipment not normally funded by the NHS, to support and improve the work of the surgery. These include:

  • Electric podiatry chair
  • 4 Ophthalmoscopes (eye equipment)
  • Courtyard sculptures
  • Surgery photographs
  • Electric couch
  • Water dispenser
  • Atrial fibrillation device (heart equipment)
  • Doppler equipment (leg pulses equipment)
  • Self care leaflets
  • A specialist ENT microscope for micro suction procedures and intensive investigation of the ear.

How can I become a member?

All patients of St Lawrence Surgery automatically become members of the Patient Participation Group. There is no membership or joining fee and no training is required. If you wish to help at events, join the Committee, help with fund raising or find out more please fill in the Sign up to the Patient Group form on this website, or leave your details at reception for the attention of the PPG Secretary. We are very keen to recruit younger patients as well.


Children and Young People with Special Needs

Families who have children with special needs have worked in partnership with the surgery and PPG to produce a medical passport and booklets. These have been tailored to the surgery with pictures explaining what happens when a child visits the surgery. These have proved invaluable for the GPs and Nurses within the practice. The document is completed by the parent/carer and scanned onto the child or young person’s record. This enables the GP or Nurse to access additional information, which will help the consultation go more smoothly.

Please visit the unique Facebook page for regular updates on support meetings and events.

More about the Patient Participation Group

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