Meeting Minutes

AGM May 2023

  • Meeting Date: 17th May 2023
  • Meeting Time: 6:30pm


A welcome was given to those present: Judith Skitt, Phil Skitt, Hilary Stoner, Lindsey Butterfield,  Jo Wadey, Barbara Hardwick, Jocelyn Clasty, Alan Clark, Cynthia Clark, Patsy Newton, Ian Creasey-Fumaglli, Ian Leedham, Mary leedham and Tony Ede

Apologies for Absence

An apology was received from Alan Hardwick

The Minutes of the Previous AGM

Meeting held on 22nd June 2022 were approved.

  • Proposed: Hilary Stoner
  • Seconded: Barbara Hardwick

Annual Report on 2022

The annual report was shared.

It is great to be able to meet face to face again. It was decided that the committee would meet less often although , when needed, we can have mini meetings for something specific.

At the end of 2022 the surgery received the news that for the second time running, they had achieved a CQC rating of Outstanding. Only the 2nd practice in the whole of 2022 to maintain this rating. I had an insight into all the areas that are inspected and the volume of evidence that has to be provided. We are in the top 1% of the country now! Massive congratulations to everyone.

We have also received the Gold Pride In Practice Award. The award is a benchmark for excellence in LGBT healthcare. This award is a significant mark of achievement.

Education events have now restarted  with talks by doctors David Stokes, Alison Corney and Joe Chalkley. Tonight we will hear from Jon Akehurst who will give us an insight into the role of a Paramedic Practitioner.

The Patient Improvement group meet regularly. Our latest discussions have been with regard to the new phone system which will arrive very soon. We were able to see how the system works at a surgery in Wales.

Unortunately, not a day trip as the wonder of modern technology meant that it was all online! We also had an online demonstation from the development team and were able to ask questions. We came away very enthusiastic and hope that once it is up and running patients and staff will feel the benefit.

Looking ahead , we will be holding a Community Open Day in July which we hope will be well attended. There will be lots going on!

Judith Skitt

Treasurers Report 2022

The Treasurer’s Report was given.

Following our major fundraising campaign last year the High Resolution ENT Microscope finally arrived and was put straight into use.

This year we also shared in the purchase of new noticeboards which are on the wall of the surgery. The old one was past it’s use by date and becomong difficult and potentially dangerous to use.

My thanks must go to the walking and singing groups for their donations which certainly help us to continue to provide equipment , as requested by the GP’s, for the benefit of our patients.

Unfortunately the Amazon Smile scheme  whereby Amazon donated 0.5% of the net purchase price of eligible purchases to us ,has ceased.

We also now have to pay bank charges for running our account and for transactions. For a small charity, it’s quite a chunk of our income but that’s the way it is now.

Income from the bookstall remains lower than in the past partially due to the drop in footfall at the surgery. We have also found that there are those who think it is a library and of course those who forget the monetary donation!

I would like to thank Tony Ede for checking the accounts for me. I would like to propose that he is appointed as the independent examiner of the accounts for 2023. Could I ask for a seconder for this?

Judith Skitt

Tony Ede was appointed as independent examiner for 2022/23

  • Proposed: Judith Skitt
  • Seconded: Patsy Newton

Election of Officers & Committee Members

  • Chair - Lindsey Butterfield
  • Secretary - Hilary Stoner
  • Treasurer - Judith Skitt
  • Phil Skitt
  • Eric Bridger
  • Sylvia Fry
  • Sue Pickering

Any Urgent Business

The updated noticeboard was commented on and it was suggested that another board was placed near the pavement and that Hazel Thorpe be approached re: this.

An update was given on the new surgery phone system.

The AGM was folowed by a talk on the role of the paramedic practitioner given by John Akehurst.

Executive Board March 2023


  • Lindsey B– Chair
  • Judith S – Treasurer
  • Hilary S – Secretary
  • Eric B - Walk Leader
  • Sylvia F – Committee Member
  • Phil S – Committee Member
  • Jo W – Practice Manager

Apologies: Sue P – Singing Leader

Minutes of Last Meeting

Minutes of meeting agreed


There is a balance of circa £2,350 left in the bank account. Awaiting validation of Tony.


Action: Moved the money box over to the book case and put another sign up to make it more obvious. Increase of £50 from the year before. Jo to ensure patient services ring or text Phil or Judith Skitt. Ask for more books on Facebook.

Water Dispenser

Surgery doing 50/50 of the costs and the costs are down now to £250 per annum. To continue monitoring this.

Patient Education Events

  • Mens Health – Monday 21st November – Dr David Stoke – low attendance, but very well evaluated
  • Womens health – Monday 16th January – Dr Alison Corney - Dr David Stokes – low attendance, but very well evaluated


  • ENT in March - Thursday 23rd March – Dr Joe Chalkley
  • All agreed it maybe the winter that people do not want to turn out.
  • AGM – Wednesday 17th May – Jon Akehurst – Role of the Paramedic Practitioner
  • Open Day – Thursday 13th July 2023 – Pet therapy – Jo to contact us.

Future ideas

Trying to prevent diabetes, ? mental health (MIND), dealing with children illnesses (Catherine during school time)

External Noticeboards

All done and looking fantastic

Singing Group

Going well, low in numbers – around 8 = think this might be the winter. Do another campaign in Summer?

CQC Inspection

We managed to achieve outstanding again. Huge thanks to Judith for representing the PPG and spending time to write to the inspector with all the evidence. We are in the top 1% of the country now!

Community Open Day

Jo to write letter for patients to go to shops etc.

Jo to contact pet therapy and brighton and hove (albion in the community), Worthing town football club (Russell Martin). Walking football


  • Econsult – not working as well –it is a pilot – Jo will feed back to the partners
  • Mailchimp – PPG Sign up – Judith to look into this.

Date of next meeting

  • June 7th – Pre open day 12 noon – 1.30 p.m.
  • 26th April – pre AGM – 12 noon – 1.00 p.m

More about the Patient Participation Group

Safe Surgeries logo Safe
Veteran Friendly Armed Forces veteran
friendly accredited
GP practice
lgbtq logo

Pride in


Disability Confident disability
Proud to be an Active Practice